Saturday, 3 October 2009

Our tankless water heater!

I'm really excited! DH got an old shower from a friend, attached it to the outside of the kitchen wall, has installed a new tap on the kitchen sink (which he also got for free) and we now have hot water for washing up without needing to put the immersion heater on!

I am hopeful this will enable us to reduce our electricity by a considerable amount. At the moment we have the immersion heater on for 1 hour a day and I feel that often a lot of that heat is wasted.

We only have a couple of baths per week, so for 5 days of the week we are heating up an entire tank of water for a couple bowls of washing up water. I know I could use the kettle to heat the water, but I do like to have hot water for hand washing - especially for DD as she plays with all sorts of unmentionable things.

We're going to see how we get on with it for a month or so. If it works out really well we will consider investing in a 'real' tankless water heater which we can use for the bath too. The investment will be around £200 but I have a feeling the payback will be quick.

So I'm off to bed and will be switching the immersion heater off until we need a bath - yipee!

Now you're wondering from looking at the photo how I get the water out of the tap, right? There is nothing to turn! Well my creative, genius man has installed a foot switch LOL!

It's tiny piece of wood attached to the kick board and I push my foot against it. Et voila - instant hot water!

He did this because I often have dirty hands from kneading sticky dough or have greasy hands from dealing with butter or oil. Now I don't need to touch the tap to turn it on!

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