Wednesday, 4 February 2009

This month's meter reading

We're taking a meter reading on the first day of the month which I forgot to post up. It's 97394. Now that is very scary and very high. I need to double check these figures because, oh my, that's just massive.

That means an average of 183 units per week for the past month. Which is unheard of!

My goal is under 100 units a week, and I have to confess I haven't been watching things. I used to take daily readings and got so fed up of it. Then I took weekly and recently I've got right out of the habit.

ouch! That really hurts!

I've just checked right now and we've used 73 units since I took that reading, which was three days ago. It's an electric heater we have; I'm sure of it.

Right, that's an extra jumper from now on and no electric heating. AND a daily meter reading.

I've had an extra duvet on the bed and I'm ok with that; but it's when I get dressed in the mornings. The fire has gone down, despite being kept in all night and it's just so cold to get dressed. I need to get over myself and leave that heater off.
I put it on for ten minutes before bed too and in the afternoons when I go up for a rest. Hmmm, now I think about it; I'll put it on if I go upstairs to make a phonecall too.

Ho hum.

There is nothing quite like a shock to warm you up!

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